Rubrics for Critical Thinking Assessment

Title of the Good Practice

Rubrics for Critical Thinking Assessment

Description of the Good Practice

Instructors developed a set of rubrics specifically designed to assess critical thinking skills in various subjects. These rubrics provide clear criteria for evaluating students’ abilities to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information, and they are used consistently across different courses.


  • Assessment
  • Critical Thinking
  • Rubrics
  • Skill Development


Multiple languages, depending on the institution

Number of participants

Any, individual, small groups, large groups (any number of participants will do since it’s a tool that can be used by anyone)

Type of training


Number and type of exercises

The objective is to take the rubrics and use them in any subject in order to rate and verify if there was critical assessment involved.


A few minutes or maybe a couple of hours depending on the subject and the project and if the assessment is individual or collective.

Target Audience

Educators and instructors

Competences/skills that you will require

Assessment design, Critical thinking expertise




Consideration as a GP

This practice is considered good because it enhances assessment consistency and promotes the development of critical thinking skills. Measurable indicators include improved assessment outcomes and feedback from instructors and students