Business Ball: Presentation Skills and Techniques

Title of the Good Practice

Business Ball: Presentation Skills and Techniques

Description of the Good Practice

This platform provides:

  • A guide to the process of creating effective presentations,
  • Tips and techniques for successfully delivering presentations
  • Explanations and methods for reducing presentation fears and stresses – through the use of preparation and control, to build confidence.

The formats and purposes of presentations can be very different, for example: oral (spoken), multimedia (using various media – visuals, audio, etc), PowerPoint presentations, short impromptu presentations, long-planned presentations, educational or training sessions, lectures, and simply giving a talk on a subject.  It offers Creating presentations: Step-by-Step. This is the basic sequence of actions for creating and preparing a presentation up to the point of actually delivering the presentation to an audience:

  1. Define purpose
  2. Gather content and presentation ideas
  3. Structure the subject matter (sections, headings, order)
  4. Develop how to present it (style, elements, props, equipment)
  5. Prepare presentation (wording, design, materials, equipment)
  6. Practice and rehearsals (get feedback, refinement)
  7. Plan venue, control the environment
  8. ‘Dress rehearsal’ if warranted
  9. Relax and prepare yourself – confidence and control


  • Presentation Skills
  • Presentation Structure Design
  • Public Speaking and Communication



Number of participants

Individual or small groups

Type of training


Number and type of exercises

At least 1 – main topic can be divided into smaller exercises, following step-by-step creating presentation; frontal/individual or joint based on topic/project


Short/up to few hours (1-5 hours)

Target Audience

Teachers, adult educators and learners, university professors, students, education developers, education managers, business developers, training developers

Competences/skills that you will require

  • Teaching and lecturing skills
  • Creative skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Soft skills
  • Communication
  • PowerPoint skills
  • Public speaking skills
  • Basic digital literacy and IT skills


One of the schemes:


One of the free templates:

skill/ability/area to be trained element or part of area to be trained current knowledge or ability, and required standard or parameter activity or exercise tools, equipment, materials timings, venue, person responsible notes, costs, completed

Consideration as a GP

It allows:

  • Practical Application – practical tips and examples that learners can apply directly to their presentations. Practical exercises and case studies enhance the learning experience.
  • Free resourcestemplates, graphs, diagrams, questionnaires, assessment templates, quizzes templates and examples.