COURSERA: IBM Prezentujte s ciljem: Kreiranje/Isporuka Efikasnih Prezentacija
Title of the Good Practice COURSERA: IBM
Skill Share: Onlajn Časovi o Veštinama Prezentacije
Title of the Good Practice Skill Share:
Present Pal
Title of the Good Practice Present Pal
Razvijanje veština studenata potrebnih za praktikovanje adekvatnog samovođstva.
Title of the Good Practice Developing students'
Introduce students to leadership models, explaining how to recognize them.
Title of the Good Practice Introduce students
Vođenje učenika u efikasnom upravljanju vremenom
Title of the Good Practice Coaching students
Podučavanje tehnika upravljanja vremenom studentima.
Title of the Good Practice Teaching time
Ovladavanje osnovama marketinga i komunikacije
Title of the Good Practice Mastering the
Veštine navigacije internetom.
Title of the Good Practice Internet Navigation
Veštine elektronske prezentacije
Title of the Good Practice Electronic Presentation