Gamificación y personalización
Title of the Good Practice Gamification and
Adaptación a los estilos de aprendizaje
Title of the Good Practice Adaptation to
Curación de contenidos mejorada por IA
Title of the Good Practice AI-Enhanced Content
Una eficaz estrategia combinada de enseñanza y aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia COVID-19 - Universidad de Santo Tomás, EE.UU.
Title of the Good Practice An effective
Online Peer Assessment for Learning – Campus of Gualtar, University of Minho – Braga (Portugal)
Title of the Good Practice Online Peer
Modified Blended Learning in Engineering Higher Education during the COVID-19 Lockdown – Building Automation Courses (Poland)
Title of the Good Practice Modified Blended
E-Learning en música: Aprender a componer en grupo en un entorno de aprendizaje combinado - Finlandia
Title of the Good Practice E-Learning in
Educación a distancia durante la crisis de Covid-19 - Finlandia
Title of the Good Practice Distance Education